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Colour in the Garden with Andrew Sankey

Garden Club Talk on 20th May

Andy Speller Published: 01 May 2024

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Man with silver hair smiling wearing blue shirt
Photo credit: Norfolk Gardens Trust www.norfolkgt.org.uk

Andrew Sankey is a garden designer, grower & speaker. He is perhaps best known as the author of the book “The English Cottage Garden”. Join us for his uplifting talk ‘Colour in the Garden’ on Monday, 20th May. Come along to learn about colour, scents & planting combinations for your garden.

Show Table: Cacti or Succulent exhibits in pots or bowls.

Cookery Competition: Sticky Rhubarb Cake (club recipe)

Photography Competition: Norfolk in Springtime

Club Table: A favourite from my Garden – Plant or Flower, Fruit or Vegetable.

7.30pm, Town Green Centre, Wymondham. Members Free, guests £5.

For further information about Wymondham Garden Club contact wymondhamgardenclub@gmail.com.

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