Wymondham Magazine lettering

Garden Club Autumn Preview

Andy Speller Published: 28 August 2022

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Garden club flowers

Wymondham Garden Club autumn programme begins on September 19th with a talk on Clematis by the owner of highly regarded Thorncroft Clematis nursery, Peter Gooch.

There are so many different sorts of Clematis – from winter flowering through to summer and autumn, there’s bound to be lots to stir the interest to Wymondham gardeners.

After low rainfall (drought) and a summer of heat, time to start thinking of what plants could replace those which didn’t survive the summer months! In October the club holds a short AGM followed by a plant sale. An opportunity to buy and try growing something new perhaps?

As autumn turns to winter, it’s time to talk about soils in November – no1, no2 or no3? The famous John Innes numbers. A talk on the John Innes institute from a lady in the know – Anne Edwards, who has worked there for many years.

Finally in December, the club is looking forward to holding its regular Christmas social once more when the programme lined up for 2023 will also be revealed.

Dates for all Wymondham Garden Club events are listed in the Wymondham Magazine and on the Facebook “Wymondham Garden Club” page. Printed programmes are available at club meetings. For further information about the club contact wymondhamgardenclub@gmail.com

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