Wymondham Magazine lettering

Greening Gets Going

Jay Andrews Published: 01 April 2024

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Group of volunteers outdoors in orchard
Community Orchard Volunteers meet on alternate Saturdays.

Late spring is always a race for Greening Wymondham projects as we work with volunteers to get plants in, plants out, drain, build and sow. That’s before we start on the Tiffey with river litter picking and balsam bashing – and testing is all year round, come wind, come shine. Andrew Robinson – pictured here - clearly got the shine.

Friarscroft Wood benefited from all your help as we work to make one part of the wood accessible to the public and secure the other for wildlife. It’s always interesting to see what people think they can dump in open spaces but the leaking oil barrel and asbestos have gone. The next confirmed work date is April 16th.

Browick Road community orchard raced ahead last month planting up the forest garden area with blueberries, plum cherries and sea buckthorn alongside the more usual primroses, foxgloves and forget me not. At any time of year it’s worth a visit, and part of the work has been clearing the concrete path to Ayton Road to improve access. As you can see from the photo, the many volunteers are allowed a much deserved break - on occasion…

Man in hat and yellow shirt tests water
Andrew Robinson testing the water in the Tiffey.

Do join us on the 20th April this month at the Baptist Church where from 1000-1200 they’re holding a WBC Eco Silver Award Celebration. We’ll be sharing a stall with Sustainable Wymondham, where you can find out more about what we’re doing. We’ll also be supporting - and recommend - Wymondham Hedgehog Haven’s stall. Bring your hedgehog sightings and you’ll get plenty of advice and insight into the life of our prickly garden aids.

And we have a new logo! Produced by the talented Carol Sharp, it’s more determined and focused, and features a ladybird – not just a garden friend, but a symbol of transformation.

We’re also beginning to plan Wymondham’s Great Big Green Week, from June 9th-16th, themed on Swaps. So we’ll be including the events which were popular last year but offering more ways to swap or barter to help save the environment and our purses! Let us know what you’d like to enjoy that week, at greeningwymondham@gmail.com – or contact us on Twitter. You can also find out more about us on our website greeningwymondham.org or follow us on Instagram.

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