Wymondham Magazine lettering

Methodist Church Invites You to Festive Events

Marianne Lincoln Published: 04 December 2024

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A flyer showing a snowy Christmas tree advertising a Christmas Carol Service at the Methodist Church

On December 1st, Wymondham Methodist Church will be open for a Nativity Crib Display as part of 'Wymondham Christmastime'. Refreshments will be served at the Town Green Centre.

A flyer advertising a Methodist Church Nativity Display on 1st of December, 3pm-6:30pm

WMC also invites you to Messy Church, a children’s activities’ fair on December 7th from 10:30-12:30. This free event will provide activities, crafts, songs, games, food and stories. Aimed at ages 4-11 years, children must be accompanied by a parent or guardian.

A flyer advertising a messy crafts session at the Methodist Church Town Green Centre on 7th of Decem

On Christmas Eve, there will be a free Candlelit Carol Service at 6pm. The December 25th Christmas Day Service will be held at Hethersett Methodist Church at 10.30am.

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