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Photographic Society Open Day

18 June 22 from 10am to 4pm

David Hazleton Published: 26 May 2022

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Wymondham Market Cross
Photo credit: Dave Balcombe

With the rise in popularity of camera phones over the last 20 years or so, taking and sharing images has never been more popular or so easy. Taking images on your smartphone can also spark an interest in creating better pictures and maybe taking photography more seriously as a hobby. This is where Wymondham Photographic Society (WPS) can help.

WPS was formed in 1969, fully 20 years before the first digital camera was launched by Fuji, who at the time made film. Since then the club has been ever present on the landscape of Wymondham.

The Society has 4 main aims:

To promote interest and education in photography.

4 glasses
Photo credit: Terry Drury

To encourage an atmosphere of mutual assistance and goodwill.

To encourage keen but friendly competition.

To raise and maintain funds to meet the above aims and sustain the club.

We meet weekly on Tuesdays from 8-10pm in the Wymondham Dell Bowls Club on Norwich Road, and our season runs from the beginning of September until the end of June. Our spacious venue has parking facilities and is equipped with a full bar which also serves tea and coffee. We have a large permanently installed projection screen which was chosen specifically to complement our club’s new high definition widescreen digital projector. We also have a Wi-Fi facility in our meeting room which enables us to host speakers from around the world via Zoom.

Photo credit: Dave Balcombe

The subjects of our weekly meetings are varied and may feature guest speakers from the world of photography, practical demonstrations and presentations by club members, continuous improvement sessions, looking at different photographic techniques and processes etc. We also hold regular internal club competitions, informal challenge evenings, and take part in external competitions locally and internationally. Details of future meetings can be found on the calendar which is on the club website.

Each year we organise an Open Day at the Dell Bowls Club and invite the people of Wymondham and the surrounding area to share in our hobby, meet the members and view our work. There will also be the opportunity for you to come along and take advantage of our studio set up and we invite you to take pictures of your loved ones using our facilities. You will have to supply the camera though! This year's Open Day is being held on 18th June 22 from 10am to 4pm and it would be great to see you there.

We like to think of ourselves as a welcoming and friendly group who are dedicated to promoting and enjoying the art of photography. Yes, it is as much an art as painting or sculpting because in a photograph, the photographer is creating something, a piece of work, a memory that can be cherished by others. We aim to enjoy our photography, and nurture and inspire others to do the same. We would love to see you. If you are interested in Photography as a hobby please come along to our Open Day and chat to our members. Alternatively, please come along to one of our Tuesday evening meetings to meet us and chat about the club and membership, or contact us on email via enquiries@wymondham-ps.org.uk. We look forward to meeting you.

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