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Spring Nature Group Meetings

March, April and May

Nicola Cooke Published: 02 March 2024

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Nature group logo with bird and market cross

Thursday 14th March 2024, 7.30pm: Illustrated talk by Allan Archer - Dinosaurs in your garden – the evolution and life of birds (with props). From T-rex to Troglodytes troglodytes (Wren) via Archaeopteryx let’s follow the dinosaurs’ path to your bird table.

Thursday 11th April 2024, 7.30pm: Illustrated talk by Mike Harvey about his trip to Cuba - A Search for the Endemic Cuban Flora and Fauna. An unguided wander around most of central and eastern Cuba with good company and bad cars. The talk will be preceded by a short AGM (Wymondham Nature Group).

Thursday 9th May 2024, 7.30pm: Sweet Briar Marshes – a wilder Norwich for all: Matt Wickens of Norfolk Wildlife Trust's urban team will explore the fascinating features and wildlife of Sweet Briar Marshes, discussing why it is important, and where NWT is heading for both nature and people in the fine city.

Venue: Town Green Centre, Wymondham, NR18 0PW (behind Wymondham Methodist Church). All welcome - admission £3, NWT members £2 – no booking required.

Wymondham Nature Group is the local members’ group of Norfolk Wildlife Trust. Email: Wymondham@norfolkwildlifetrust.org.uk Follow Wymondham Nature Group on Facebook: facebook.com/WymondhamNatureGroup/.

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