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What's In A Photo?

The Wind'em Pierrot Concert Party

Philip Yaxley Published: 01 November 2023

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The concert paty
The Wind’em Pierrot Concert Party in April 1915.

This troupe of local Wymondham artistes, styling themselves the Wind’em Pierrot Concert Party, were the subject of a report in April 1915 in the Norwich Mercury for giving “two excellent entertainments” in the Town Hall to raise funds for the Wymondham Red Cross (Voluntary Aid Detachment) Hospital.

The red cross
The Red Cross (Voluntary Aid Detachment) Hospital in the Vicarage Room.

The hospital for wounded soldiers contributed to the country’s fight in World War One, which had been declared the previous August. It was based in the Vicarage Room in Church Street on a site now occupied by the Abbey Hall, which opened in May 1970. A month after the concerts, an increasing demand saw the hospital extended to rooms in Abbotsford, then the home of Captain and Mrs. Cautley in Vicar Street.

The town hall
The Town Hall c.1900.

The Town Hall was situated in Town Green and, although since altered almost out of recognition, the building still stands and houses the Sports Bar and other concerns. In the main picture on the right in the back row is Una Chatterton, a well known local thespian of the time, and fourth from the left in the front row is legendary Frank Alpe, a chemist who became a barrister and loved clowning about on stage.

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