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Great Sunflower Growing Competition is Back

Annette James Published: 29 April 2022

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Child with tall sunflowers

Last year Wymondham In Bloom ran a sunflower growing competition for the first time. It proved very popular so it’s back again and this year the team hope to make it bigger and better.

As before, there are categories for the tallest and shortest sunflowers, biggest seedhead, heaviest seedhead, best team growing effort and the most interesting sunflower (be as creative as you want). There will be one prize for each category. You can enter more than one category but win once only to give more entrants a chance of winning.

Man up ladder measuring sunflower

At Jubilee Fest on 5th June at Kett’s Park the team will provide a free activity where you can pot up a sunflower seedling or seed to take home and grow on to enter the competition. We’d love to see your sunflowers on their growing journey too so email us with photos: wymbloom@gmail.com.

This year the competition is being run in memory of keen gardener Owen James, organiser Annette James’ dad, who passed away aged 96 in February this year.  “Dad loved being part of Wymondham in Bloom and growing sunflowers.  I grew some of his plants in my garden last year and have been able to pass on lots of seeds from them to his friends and family this year. The seedlings we will be potting up at Jubilee Fest come from those plants’ seeds too.  Seeing sunflowers made us both smile and it makes me very happy to think his gardening legacy continues via this year’s competition.”

Owen James planting a sunflower

You can find all the competition rules and entry information on the Town Team website: 

wymondhamtownteam.org/wym-in-bloom-2022 - or email

wymbloom@gmail.com with any questions.

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