Wymondham Magazine lettering

Wymondham Jazz Picnic Set to Return

on Saturday 2nd July

Philip Richardson Published: 29 April 2022

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People enjoying the Wymondham Jazz picnic
People enjoying the 2021 Jazz Picnic.

The hugely popular Wymondham Jazz Picnic will return on Saturday 2nd July 2022.

Originally the centrepiece of the Wymondham Music Festival, the event will be organised by the Wymondham Rotary Club, assisted by members of the Satellite Rotary Club for the second time. Wymondham Town Team members will also be involved.

As in the past, this outdoor event will be staged on Becketswell meadow between 6pm and 9pm. The Dixiemix jazz band will again be on stage. We hope as many families as possible will come along to enjoy the music, bring picnics, chairs and rugs and enjoy a fine summer evening. 

A shuttle bus service between Central Hall car park and Becketswell will, hopefully, operate throughout the evening. More details will be published nearer the time.

There will be no charge for entry but the organisers hope the audience will be generous in donating in collection buckets at the end of the evening. Proceeds from the collection will be donated by Rotary to local charities, many of which have seen much reduced income during the recent lockdowns. In 2021, well over £2,000 was given to a variety of causes.

This year, in addition to coffee and ice cream stalls, there will also be a hot dog stall run by Wymondham Lions Club to support their own charities.

We hope to cover the costs of the event by seeking commercial sponsorship. Sponsors’ names will be clearly identified on site and on publicity material before the event.

The contact telephone number for anyone interested in being a sponsor is 07715 699 211.

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