We’ve received a great number of early enquiries from local artists and performing groups, who want to take part in next year’s Wymondham Magazine Springs Arts Festival events.
The Magazine is once again offering free publicity for arts related events taking place around town from mid-April into May, and will be producing a comprehensive print programme distributed to every Wymondham household.
Wymondham Magazine’s Kim Carsok said: “We’re hoping the Spring Arts Festival can become an established fixture in the Wymondham calendar to showcase our town as a destination for the arts and culture. And there are some interesting plans in the offing this year - like a trail of rolling mini performances and demonstrations all happening on the same day.”
So whether it’s art, music, written word or performance, we’re inviting more individuals and groups to get in touch via springarts@wymondhammagazine.co.uk to let us know they’re interested in doing something - even if you haven’t got your own fixed event already planned.