Wymondham Magazine lettering

Joe’s Petition to Have Town Council Meetings Live-Streamed

Joe Barrett Published: 29 April 2022

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Joe Barrett with petition
Joe with his petition in Wymondham.

On Friday 22nd of April, I took to the streets of Wymondham to gather signatures for my new petition to get Town Council sessions live-streamed in Wymondham.

The basis for this change is rooted in a need for accessibility and transparency in local democracy. If the meetings are made available, it allows us all to know what is going on within local politics and provides us with an opportunity to proactively engage with local issues.

We can’t care about that which we do not know, so making it easier to see how your money is being spent, how Wymondham is being shaped and what it means for you is only ever going to be a good thing that puts the power back into the hands of the public. 

If you would like to show your support for this change, to empower us all to take ownership of our gorgeous town, then please sign my petition on Change.org: www.change.org/p/live-stream-wymondham-town-council-meetings

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