Wymondham Magazine lettering

Life at Wymondham Baptist Church

Cathy Finch Published: 01 April 2024

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Newly refurbished kitchen in cafe
The kitchen after refurbishment.

Anyone who has visited Roots Community Café will be aware of the improvements in our church kitchen. Following a leak in the church kitchen we decided to upgrade our kitchen as a first step in our future extension plans. Here are before and after photos:-

As part of the vision that God has given us we are planning to upgrade our buildings taking them into the 21st century. Roots Community Café is open on Wednesday and Friday each week from 10.00a.m. to 1.00p.m. and our teen café, Thrive@Roots is open on Tuesday afternoon from 2.30p.m. There is always a warm and friendly welcome to everyone who visits. A listening ear and caring staff. The same welcome is there on Sunday morning at our worship service at 10.30a.m.

April is a busy month at WBC on Friday, 12th during Roots Cafe and Saturday 13th from 10.00a.m. – 12 noon we will be holding our first Uniform Swap. If you need school uniform come along and see if we can help. If you have some uniform you can swap, that's great, let us have it.

Kitchen ruined by leak
Kitchen after the leak.

On April 18th we start an Alpha Course – do you have questions about what we believe as Christians that you would like to ask, book a place and come along and see if we can help you with your questions. Call the church office to reserve your place – 01953606520 or email office@wymondhambaptist.org

On April 20th we are celebrating the achievement of being awarded the A Rocha Silver ECO church award. We are being joined by Greening Wymondham, Sustainable Wymondham, Wymondham Nature Group and Wymondham Hedgehog Haven and will learn about a variety of recycling opportunities. There will also be some activities for you to engage in and of course tea and coffee to enjoy. Come along and join in.

On the following Saturday, 27th April from 1p.m. – 4p.m. we invite you to join us for our Craft and Crumpets afternoon. Come and see the crafts and hobbies that the WBC fellowship engage in and perhaps buy some of the goods they have made and again enjoy some tea and coffee and crumpets. All proceeds from this event will go to our Building Fund.

Eco event poster

On May 26th we are holding Café Church – come and enjoy church in a different way. Join us for breakfast at 10.30a.m. and different activities start at 11a.m. This time we are looking at the film ‘The Lion King’.

We are really excited to be hosting The Happy Day Gospel Choir on Saturday, 15th June. Book the date and come and enjoy an evening of fantastic Gospel music. In the coming weeks tickets will be available - contact the church office on 01953 606520 or email office@wymondhambaptist.org to book your seat.

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