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Peter Skeggs Gooch is coming to the Garden Club

Andy Speller Published: 02 September 2024

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A Clematis flower
Photo credit: "Clematis macro LAB Explored!" by hz536n/George Thomas is licenced under CC BY-NC-ND 2.0.

We are very pleased to welcome Peter Skeggs Gooch, a true Clematis expert from Thorncroft Nursery and one of the leading Clematis growers in the country. He has agreed to give a talk on “Clematis Planting, Pruning and Care”. Expect an amusing talk with hand-outs to save writing notes in the semi-dark! This will take place on Monday 16th of September, 7:30pm, at Town Centre Green. For more information about Peter & Thorncroft Nursery, check out their website thorncroftclematis.co.uk

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