Wymondham Magazine lettering

Wymondham Garden Club May Meeting

Andy Speller Published: 01 May 2023

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Flowery garden

On Monday 15th May, a talk will be given to the Wymondham Garden Club members and guests by Gabrielle Reid of Gabriel’s Garden. The presentation titled “A Year in the Cutting Garden” will discuss florals designed according to what is in season from their one acre cutting garden)

The monthly Show Table will include Cacti & Succulents: Exhibits in Pots & Bowls. A Cookery competition invites competitors to make a Sticky Rhubarb Drizzle cake, and the photography competition invites submissions on the topic: Norfolk in Springtime. The Club Table will showcase ‘A favourite from my Garden’ – Plant or Flower, Fruit or Vegetable. Join in at 7:30pm in the Town Green Centre. Members Free, guests £4. For further information about the club contact wymondhamgardenclub@gmail.com

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