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Gardening in the Shade

Talk on 18th March

Andy Speller Published: 02 March 2024

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Flowers in jars arranged on brown table

On Monday, 18th March, the Wymondham Garden Club will host “Gardening in the Shade”, an illustrated talk by Jim Paine. Jim was co-owner of Walnut Tree Gardens Nursery, retiring last year. Jim is a highly respected speaker with a wide knowledge of which plants are suitable for growing in our Norfolk soils.

Show Table: Spring Show - 3 Daffodils or Narcissi – Categories: Single, Double, Miniature & Multi-Headed ~ 3 Tulips of any type ~ Chair Persons Trophy Award

Club Table: A favourite from my Garden – Plant or Flower, Fruit or Vegetable.

The event will begin at 7.30pm in Town Green Centre, Wymondham. Members gain free entry whilst guests are £5. For further information about the club contact wymondhamgardenclub@gmail.com.

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