Wymondham Magazine lettering

Litter Pick Haul

Greening Wymondham Published: 01 May 2023

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A group picture of litter pickers

The 25th March saw Greening Wymondham organise it’s big litter pick for the town. There was a tremendous turnout with approximately 50 individuals turning out to collect litter pickers and bags before venturing afoot to tidy Wymondham up for the benefit of all.

So on the day approximately 35 bags were filled ready for South Norfolk to collect – perhaps the most unusual find was two full bottles of alcohol free gin ! Needless to say they were drained into the gutter. But the folk who turned out did enjoy a well deserved cuppa and cake and chat at the end.

Map of Wymondham with road that the litter pickers visited highlighted

As the map displays, the group managed to cover a significant part of the town with the roads marked being picked at.

Our next challenge might be to see whether we can cover some of the further outlying areas of Wymondham - this is planned for 20th May - please email Greening.Wymondham@gmail.com if you wish to participate.

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