Wymondham Magazine lettering

May Update from Star Throwers

Victoria Pigg Published: 01 May 2023

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Sky diving opportunity with Star Throwers

Supporting Star Throwers

We Need Your Support! Our small charity supports over 250 people per year with over 1,000 support sessions - we need your help to enable us to continue and to grow. It costs approximately £30,000 per month to run our cancer support centre - we are asking for a one-off donation today or for you to become a ‘Friend of Star Throwers’ and make a regular monthly donation to support our work. Visit our website to become our ‘friend’: www.starthrowers.org.uk/supporting-us/become-a-friend-of-star-throwers/ or call 01953 423304.

Swish Event

Due to the success of our 'Swish' in February we will be holding another 'Swishing at Star Throwers' event on Saturday 13th May from 10am - 1pm at the Star Throwers Centre, Wymondham. Swap up to 8 items of your good quality clothes, shoes and accessories for a whole new wardrobe! We will also have a rail of vintage items for sale. Bring along your items on the day or in advance and make a £3 donation. Refreshments available and the Treasure Trove shop will also be open.

Star Throwers Skydive Day

Looking for a challenge in 2023? Take part in our Skydive Day on Sunday 25th June, raise a minimum of £330 (and pay a deposit of £50) and your skydive will be FREE! Contact us to find out more: victoria@starthrowers.org.uk

Garden Party

Clothes swap information

We are bringing back the Star Throwers Garden Party this year on Saturday 1st July from 10am – 2pm – this will be a casual, social event at the Star Throwers Centre. Entry will be free – relax in the garden with a tea, coffee and cake. Come and join us!


Don’t forget to visit our ‘Treasure Trove’ next to the centre on Melton Road in Wymondham – follow our dedicated Facebook Page – search ‘Star Throwers Shops’ for daily updates on items we have available.

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Read our February E‑Edition in full:

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