Wymondham Magazine lettering

Wymondham Writing Circle

Anne Bealing Published: 01 October 2023

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What do we do at each meeting?

We each bring copies of what we have written to read to the other members. We then talk about it and give feedback on how it might be altered or improved where necessary. This is always supportive. We are not in the business of stern criticism. Good humour prevails! We take the writing away to consider again at home and bring it back the following month with any added comments.

What sort of writing?

Every sort! We have writers of poetry. We have members who are writing at length for adults or children. We have members who are writing their autobiography. Some have had writing published. Some are beginners. But we all share a love of writing.

Where do we meet?

We meet monthly on a Wednesday evening at The Feathers pub in Wymondham. We have the upstairs room all to ourselves. There is a small charge for the room which we share between us and we always buy a drink (tea, coffee or alcohol) from the bar to support the pub. There is a free public car park behind the pub.

Would you like to join us?

We are currently looking for new members. Please contact Anne on 01953 571425 or annebealing@aol.com if you would like to come and join us.

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