Wymondham Magazine lettering

A Rubbish Walk:

Neville Walks Again

Neville Cameron Published: 02 March 2023

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A signpost for the recycling centre in Wymondham

It’s mainly men I see when I visit Wymondham’s very useful recycling centre. They throw away all sorts of things that are of no use to them until some time later they wish they still had said item. That’s it really. I (and others) go to the recycling centre, empty our cars of what we call rubbish in an inadequate, might I say rubbish site, we use that rubbish narrow road, playing dodgems with oncoming traffic and try to forget the rubbish experience.

Is it not surprising then that it’s mainly males that use the place as women in general aren’t daft enough to do it! Now that’s strange as when I walked that route I met mainly women enjoying the road's magnificent beauty and not the men who use it so much in cars.

Well the answer is simple, men just want to get on with emptying their boots as quick as they can getting back home to continue doing manly things.

An image of Lady's Lane

Well I’m going to blow the roof off what we’re missing. It’s absolutely gorgeous around there with all sorts of ways to extend or change your country walk.

I parked in Cemetery lane where there’s no awful yellow lines, walked back onto London road and left all the way down as far as you want to explore right into the countryside (which I didn’t explore as my painful foot stopped a full on exploration). When I’d had enough, I turned around, eventually going back over the very well restored level crossing. Then instead of following the road to the left I carried straight on past the white house. I was amazed to find another level crossing which stupidly I’d actually seen from the other side but looked boring. Yes it led me straight back to Cemetery Lane.

Firstly, Cemetery Lane, the footpath is narrow but if you can get over the fact it’s by a cemetery it’s a very nice walk and there’s a bonus. It runs alongside Tolls Meadow with its ever changing landscapes and colours. It’s very popular with dog walkers that don’t leave dog bombs all over so it’s very clean.

An image of Lady's Lane

Now, the road to the mens dumping ground, Strayground Lane. As soon as you turn down by the fire station the slightly overgrown greenery starts gradually opening out to trees sculptured by road traffic in such a peaceful way.

At this point I must say, don’t take this walk on days when the Centre is open otherwise you may end up as sushi on the road or forever escaping with your life as vehicles pass you.

When there’s no traffic you’ll get an odd vehicle but it’s safe or at least that’s what I found.

A foot crossing over a railway

The roadway isn’t brilliant to walk on but with a little care it’s easy going. If you like trains there’s real pleasure in waiting for them on the greatly maintained railway crossing. On these crossings are some very interesting buildings, the second one being the best. After that crossing you enter the great unknown as I didn’t venture too far out. There’s one thing for sure though it’s damn pretty, I mean really nice, and a complete change of scenery from the town.

Safety Wise as I’ve said it’s walked mainly by ladies (or it was when I walked it) but it’s surprising as it’s very popular even into the countryside. I expected boredom when I did the walk but I finished up wishing I’d done it before.

There is a sting in the tail though. The Recycling Centre is moving, there has been talk of it becoming a designated traveller site, I don’t know but what I do know is it’s going to change. Whether it gets overgrown, extra busy or a no go area I don’t know, what I do know though is if you want to do this oddball walk do it soon as I fear it may be lost and I for one think that will be a real shame. Please enjoy my photographs and the walk!

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