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The Value of Valuing

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Rebecca Mills Published: 28 May 2023

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A picture of a house next to a field

Within my line of work, I naturally respond to the many reasons driving homeowners to take stock of their property. A plethora driven by desire, requirement, or consequence, and all with underlying emotion. All Estate Agents will jump at the chance to value your property, but what’s behind those big numbers? And if you really want to maximise the potential of your largest asset, have you considered all available options?

Many factors are combined and considered when a valuation is made. The one factor no one has control over is the location. Sadly, houses don’t like to be moved (this keeps me in a job!) But what about size and condition?

Size? We’ve certainly had enough rainfall recently that if houses were going to grow, I’m sure they would have done so! No, I’m talking of those major renovations of loft conversions or extensions, even a new entrance way or conservatory, or reconfiguring existing spaces. Finally, condition: this is the most variable due to the myriad of jigsaw pieces that make up your unique home.

So, if you’re considering how to increase value, what do you choose?

There are many options, ranging from the cosmetic to those larger renovations you’ve always dreamt of. Some common options beyond general redecoration include updating your kitchen or bathroom, the aforementioned conversions and expansions, improving energy efficiency with modern windows or insulation, or even alternative energy and heating sources. And never forget enhancing curb appeal with landscaping or a new front door or renewing that garden shed.

A diagram labelled with prices that describe good upgrades to make

When considering home improvements, it's important to weigh the potential cost against the potential return on investment. Some upgrades will be more expensive than others but may ultimately increase the value of your home significantly. While other upgrades may be more affordable and still make a noticeable impact. You will reap the benefit of any wise choice regardless of whether you ultimately stay or move on.

It's important to analyse the current trends in the housing market and what potential buyers are looking for. If you're in an area valuable to expanding families, adding an extra bedroom or creating a playroom could be a selling point. Alternatively, if you're in an area popular with professionals, upgrading your home office space and internet connectivity may be a more valuable investment.

By carefully considering your options, understanding the needs of potential buyers, understanding your environment, and working within a strategic budget, you can make major differences that both enhance your home and increase its overall value. It may just be that you fall back in love with your home, but if you’re ready to move on: choose an Agent that understands and makes those efforts worthwhile!

Rebecca Mills
Call (24/7): 01953 665 785
Mobile: 07923 236 076

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