The Abbey Hall in Church Street Wymondham was built in 1971, replacing the Vicarage Rooms which had become too small and decrepit for modern 1970's use. The Hall was built with money raised in the community by public subscription (crowd funding in today's parlance). It has been run by a volunteer management committee and was well used by many and varied groups - Tiny Talk, Weight Watchers, Scouts and Cubs, Community Choirs, Bridge Clubs, Tai Chi, ShuffleBoard players and many others over the years as well as hosting a monthly Abbey Lunch, Children's Society Quizzes and private parties. All this came to an end with Covid and subsequent administrative difficulties meant that the Hall has not been in use since 2019.

We are keen to re-establish the Abbey Hall as a pleasant and convenient community asset for the benefit of all Wymondham (and beyond) residents. The hall has a large open area with tables and chairs as required, (bouncy castles can be fitted in!) a clean and convenient kitchen with cooker and dishwasher and fridge; the heating system is old but adequate and keeps the Hall warm when in use. There are disabled facilities and a Car Park. Anyone who is interested in viewing the Hall or would like to hire it at £12/hour should contact Christine Buckton on 01953 602108.