Wymondham Magazine lettering

Film Show at the Regal

Philip Yaxley Published: 01 September 2023

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A queue for Antiques Roadshow
Queue for the Antiques Roadshow at the Leisure Centre.
People in the old saleground
The old saleground..

On Vintage Day, Sunday 17th September, there’s a chance to watch a fascinating film of events and other aspects of the town through eight decades of the last century. The forty minute movie will be screened three times during the day at 11.00am, 2.15pm and 3.00pm in the Regal Lounge at the Wymondham & District Ex-Services Social Club – and admission is free.

Fire station
The original Fire Station in Market Street on the near left is featured..

The film has been put together by Richard Hitchins using footage from filming in the town in the past. Subjects range from the 1937 Coronation celebrations and carnivals in the 1960s to the BBC Antiques Roadshow staged in the Leisure Centre in 1995. A piece from 1964 about the Friday sale on the old saleground, which stood on a site between Bridewell Street and Fairland Street, now occupied by the Health Centre, is particularly entertaining. But there’s much more!

Carnival procession
Carnival procession in the 1960s..

During the day projectionist David Oldfield will be happy to take visitors up to the projection box and show them the original Kalee 12 projectors, which are still in situ there. Any queries please ring 01953 603517.

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