Wymondham Magazine lettering

The Future of Fairland Church Centre

Trevor Brown Published: 01 November 2022

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Fairland church volunteers

With declining membership the Fairland United Reformed Church Elders have concluded it does not have a viable long term future as a Church and with the support of its Eastern Synod is seeking to become a Social Enterprise.

Whereas the Church is rapidly declining the public use of our facilities continues to grow and is used by many organisations in the field of Mental Health; Social Care; several choirs; mother and baby support groups; yoga classes, a dementia cafe and a community cinema. Our facilities are totally accessible for those with mobility difficulties. At present about 300 persons use the buildings each week.


Therefore the loss of the Church facilities would have a devastating impact on Wymondham and the local community.

The key characteristic of a Social Enterprise is Social Ownership by the local community - governance and ownership structures are based on participation by stakeholder groups (e.g. employees; users; clients and the local community)

Fairland church

We are now seeking funding from a variety of sources to enable this to become a reality with a target period of two years to achieve this goal. If you can help with our fundraising efforts please get in touch via email: trevor-brown@btinternet.com

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