It’s every parent’s worst nightmare to be called home from work and met by a solemn-faced police officer who tells you that your child has died. But that’s exactly what happened to Jordan’s mum on 8th October.
It’s not possible to put into words the pain his passing has caused for his family and friends, who still don’t know what caused the death of such a well-loved, apparently healthy young man with everything to live for.

Jordan started working for Williams Lea while still at college, and worked his way up to the position of warehouse supervisor before moving on to a similar role at Fairfax & Favor in Snetterton. He was about to take on a management role at Natures Menu also in Snetterton. He enjoyed talking about politics and was a Wymondham Town Councillor until May 2023.

With a smile that brightened up the room, Jordan lived life to the full, cramming more into his 29 years than many of us manage in 3 times as long, and he left his mark wherever he went. He would go out of his way to help people, either by encouraging them to achieve what he knew they were capable of, or organising fundraising charity events. He was particularly keen to help the air ambulance, and had started to raise money for this vital local service. His family have said that they will carry on raising funds in his memory.
He was a keen supporter of Norwich city FC having attended matches with his dad from the age of 8, and was given the very unusual honour of a clap by supporters at the recent game against Leeds, while his picture was shown on the stadium screens. Jordan also enjoyed having fun, roast dinners, long dog walks and going to the gym with his sister.
Jordan’s mum Sam said “if there is one thing that Jordan’s passing has taught us it’s how important it is to live your life for today, spend time with family and friends, and don’t assume that there will always be a tomorrow.”