Wymondham Magazine lettering

Memorial Service for Lost Loved Ones

Marianne Lincoln Published: 01 November 2023

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Wymondham Methodist Church

Wymondham Methodist Church is again holding a Memorial Service for anyone to attend who wants to remember a loved one or loved ones – whenever they have died or wherever the funeral took place.

If you have had a funeral of a loved one during the past year, either in the Church, or in the Crematorium then this is a specific, and warm, invitation to attend on the afternoon of Sunday 5th November at 3pm. The service will be in the Church and there will be an opportunity to have the names of those you would like remembered read out. There will be coffee or tea afterwards in the adjoining Town Green Centre. If you cannot attend but would like a name read out, do contact Mary in advance with the request (mary.p.cousins@outlook.com).

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