Countrysiders are Back
Countrysiders will relaunch the week commencing 12th September 2022. Meetings are run by volunteers but overseen by the County Office. Meetings will be fortnightly starting at 7 pm and finishing at 8.30 pm. Countrysiders is fun, practical and informative. There is a wide variety of meetings to suit everyone aged 10-16. For more information: please call the YFC office on: 01603 748931, Email: or Visit:
Support for Great Big Green Week
Local playwriting group, Four by Four, is supporting The Great Big Green Week, being coordinated by Greening Wymondham. The selection of original plays to be performed at 7.30pm on Saturday 24 September at North Wymondham Community Centre, will have an environmental theme. One is a conversation between two trees. Tickets are £6.00 and can be booked in advance on 07851 370666 or via email: Pay at the door (cash only).
Harvest Celebrations
Wymondham Methodist Church invites you to their weekend of Harvest celebrations on 17/18th September. On Saturday 17th the church will be open from 10:30am to 1:00pm for you to come and view the Harvest decorations and then enjoy refreshments in the Town Green Centre. On Sunday 18th there will be a service at 10:30am in the church followed by tea and coffee.
You are warmly invited to visit the church over the Harvest weekend.