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Community Centre Celebrating 50th Anniversary in 2024

Tony Vale Published: 01 February 2024

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Picture of jubilee tea party

Supporters of North Wymondham Community Centre will be celebrating its 50th anniversary in 2024.

The building in Lime Tree Avenue, Wymondham is charity owned and maintained and is the venue for a range of community activities. It began life as a portable structure on gifted land in 1974. It was extended in 1985 and was once the home of the Ladybird Playgroup.

There was a major scare a few years ago when a major roof problem was discovered but was subsequently repaired, with funding obtained from grants and public donations.

North Wymondham Community Centre 50 years logo

Plans are being made to mark its half century, with a series of events throughout 2024, starting with a Quiz on Saturday 20 April and teams of up to six people are invited to take part.

The organisation is looking for additional volunteers and has a vacancy for the position of Secretary. Anyone interested in helping out can contact Committee Member, Tony Vale via tony@valemail.uk.

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