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Wymondham To Host Concert Celebrating Friendship With Twin City Of Novi Sad

Wendy Quinn Published: 01 April 2024

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Photo of town square in novi sad

The Norfolk & Norwich Novi Sad Association will be celebrating the friendship links with our twin city of Novi Sad with the annual Paul Cross Memorial Concert to be held on Saturday 15th June 2024 at 7pm in Wymondham Abbey.

An eclectic programme of classical and modern pieces to be performed by the Norfolk String Quartet, Chaos Collective, will include an exciting piece by a modern Serbian composer.

The splendid city of Novi Sad is situated on the banks of the River Danube in the Vojvodina region of Serbia. The association was set up in 1989 and many social, cultural and educational links have been maintained, with frequent visits to enjoy the sights and delights of this area.

poster advertising novi sad concert

Profits from the concert support an educational project at The Milan Petrovic School for youngsters with special needs and disabilities in Novi Sad. The Association has helped fund a variety of projects over the years

The concert is held annually in memory of Paul Cross, a former chairman of the association who did so much to promote the friendship links.

Tickets: £20, members £17, students £5. For more information contact Doug Underwood, Chairman. Tel 01953 601585 email: dougsandraunderwood@gmail.com

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