The February Garden Club talk – BEE Friendly Plants - continues the environmentally responsible theme of recent talks; Encouraging wildlife in our Wymondham gardens, avoiding use of harmful chemicals & sustainability in Norfolk.
In this instance, growing the flowering plants, shrubs & trees which favour Bees.
The speaker, Lynda Hunt, is a Norfolk Beekeeper with many years of experience.
If you want to learn more about which plants to grow in your garden – large or small - to encourage these insects (year round, not just in high summer), then this is the talk to attend. Get ideas for what plants to buy & which nurseries or garden centres may sell them untreated with neonicotinoids (systemic insecticides which don’t degrade & kill Bees). Examples of the sorts of plants Lynda might mention: Angelica and Monkshood; Not difficult to grow & low maintenance. NB: Monkshood are not suitable for gardens with domestic pets.
So, if you are interested in Bees, insects in general or wildlife gardening, beginner or expert, this talk is ideal for you.
As mentioned in the What’s On Section: Talk is on Monday, 19th February. At Town Green Centre (adjacent to the Methodist church). Starts 7.30pm, finishes ~9.15pm.
The entry cost is £5 for non-members. Free to members. Membership of the club costs £20 for the year to December 2024. For further information about the club contact