Wymondham Magazine lettering

From My Perspective: A New Year Revolution

Tony Vale Published: 01 February 2024

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Now that we have stepped across the threshold of a new year, many will be looking for new challenges, such as taking up a new hobby or social activity.

The chances are that in doing so you will want to search for a venue where such an activity might take place, either as a potential or even as a local entrepreneur wanting to start a new business.

You will be entering a world that is probably unknown to many residents, until it comes to casting your vote in a local and/or national election, if the venue happens to double as a Polling Station.

One such building is North Wymondham Community Centre in Lime Tree Avenue. The unassuming hall is charity owned and maintained and is a physical representation of community togetherness and is the home of a range of activities, for all ages.

This year is significant in the history of this important community resource, as it’s the 50th anniversary of when it began life as a portable structure on a piece of gifted land.

It was not until 1985 that it was extended to create the building that is now on the site.

The handful of volunteers who continue to keep it functioning as a public meeting place are looking for a bit of support, as they mark the latest milestone in the Community Centre’s history.

And that’s where a new year resolution can turn into a New Year Revolution.

If you would like to know more about what goes on behind the scenes in this amazing facility, please drop me a note via tony@valemail.uk.

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