Wymondham Magazine lettering

A Busy Start To The Year For The Shed

Andrew Clarke Published: 02 March 2024

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It's been a busy start to the New Year at The Shed. Our members have been repairing, upcycling, and making.

A lighthouse model all the way from Devon and standing approximately 1m tall has been carefully renovated using as much as possible of the original materials. A great and unique project – well done Ali!

A wonderful garden bench renovation by George – replacing the old slats with new teak ones, it will now last for many years to come.

A grandfather clock built from scratch has been a fantastic upcycling project. After repairing the clock mechanism and setting up the pendulum to give accurate timing, Mark then made the clocks casing from upcycled wood. Great workmanship!

A Jackson Pollock inspired canvas artwork by Jann – great colours and interpretation. These were also upcycled canvases that were going to the local tip!

A clock, painting and lamp

An upcycled empty gin bottle lamp complete with matching shade and flex was a great project to work on. I’m sure there’ll be more to follow.

If you would like an opportunity to work on your own projects or take part in any of our workshops come and visit The Shed. Become a member and join our wonderful community project.

The Shed, 46-60 Ayton Rd, Wymondham, Norfolk NR18 0QH; theshedwymondham.org.uk; info@theshedwymondham.org.uk

Tuesday – Men's session - 9:30am to 1pm
Wednesday – Women's session - 1pm to 4:30pm
Thursday – Men's session - 9:30am to 1pm
Friday – Women’s session - 9:30am to 1pm
Saturday – Mixed session – 9:30am to 1pm

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