Wymondham Magazine lettering

Carnival of Colour

Linda Brown Published: 01 September 2023

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Knitters at the Carnival of Colour

Norfolk Knitters and Stitchers is an amazing organisation which supports groups and individuals who want to knit and stitch for charity. We have links to many charities and make all manner of things from twiddle muffs for dementia patients in care homes, blankets for the homeless, baby clothes for premature babies, hedgehogs for hedgehog rescue and much, much more. Every month many bags of knitting and stitching go out to different charities.

Purple items at the Carnival of Colour

Many of our members meet together in groups – there are 125 groups across Norfolk and our sister organisation in Suffolk has many more. We also have five resource centres – in Norwich, Sheringham, King’s Lynn, Diss and Great Yarmouth – where members can go to get supplies, meet like-minded people and share skills and ideas at the monthly Open Days.

Blue items at the Carnival of Colour

Our monthly newsletter has plenty of photos and information about what we’ve been doing and what items are needed for various projects. Last winter we made up Warm Bags with blankets, hats, gloves, socks and hot water bottles with cosy covers which were sent to local centres to distribute to those in need.

Green items at the Carnival of Colour

We’ve come a long way since we started in 2008 with just a small group of people. There are now over 2300 members across the county! Wymondham has two groups open to anyone who is interested; one meets in the Library every Thursday at 5pm and the other at Star Throwers on Melton Road at 10am every Tuesday, except the 3rd Tuesday of the month – details can be found on our website www.norfolkknitters.org.uk.

On October 7th we are holding a wonderful event in Wymondham Central Hall to celebrate Norfolk Knitters and Stitchers 15th Birthday. It is to be a Carnival of Colour and each of our five resource centres will be there bringing a fantastic selection of items for sale in their chosen colour. The Hall will be a vibrant rainbow and there’ll be a quiz to entertain you as you go round. Refreshments will be available. Entry is free to everyone so do come along between 10am and 4pm.

If you’d like to know more about Norfolk Knitters and Stitchers, check out our website at www.norfolkknitters.org.uk. You can find out where your local group is and when your nearest resource centre is open. You can download patterns to knit and stitch and see the many charities we support. Or give Linda a ring on 07884 295905 or email norfolkknitters08@gmail.com.

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