Wymondham Magazine lettering

Summer Photography Exhibition

15-16 June

Gavin Bickerton-Jones Published: 01 April 2024

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Summer photography exhibition poster

Wymondham Photographic Society with S & P Financial services Summer Exhibition. This will be at the Tiffey Room in Wymondham Central hall on the 15th and 16th of June, displaying images from our members covering a large range of subject matter. There will be mounted prints and projected digital images to view, as well as club members around to answer questions on anything photographic and give info on our club.

We are also asking for any members of the public to send any phone images taken in and around Wymondham to: enquiries@wymondham-ps.org.uk, and we will pick the top 3, which we will print and mount for the winners over the weekend. This should be a fun way for people to get involved, and maybe spur them on to join our club! We will also have a public vote for visitors to pick their favourite club image on display.

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