With all the bad news, we have some good news – and keep working to make Wymondham a better, greener and more liveable place for everyone.
Over the summer we took part in the Great Big Green Week where amongst other things, people could take stuff for free and there was a very well attended Bat Walk with approximately 50 people attending. In the future, working with Wild Tribe, there will be a clothes swap at the Library on Saturday 26th November between 10am and 12 noon. To say nothing of the restocked Vegepod outside the White Hart with veg and salads to collect.
Our long term work at Browick Road Community Orchard won funds from the National Garden Scheme. It has changed a neglected area into a wonderful place with an orchard, bulbs and wildflowers – with the help of so many local families. Greening Wymondham also received a donation from Waitrose which was presented at the Browick Road Community Orchard.
Next month, Greening Wymondham will give the second generation of primary school leavers their own garden tree to plant or dedicate to their school. With the help of Greening Wymondham a tree will be planted as part of the Queen’s Green Canopy on Fairland Green to both celebrate the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee and in memorial, an event organised by Wymondham WI and Wymondham Dementia Support Group.
Check us out on Facebook or our website: www.greeningwymondham.org or email us at greening.wymondham@gmail.com