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Your Radio Station Needs You!

David Mann Published: 28 August 2022

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South Norfolk radio recruitment

If you’ve ever wanted to be a radio presenter, maybe believing that you could become the next ‘big name’ on the airwaves, or are simply thinking you’d like to share your enthusiasm for music with others, then how about joining the volunteer team at South Norfolk Radio, your local community radio station?

“We are always looking for new talent to join us” says Anthony Woods, Chair of the not-for-profit Community Interest Company that runs the station. “We’re a friendly bunch, and we can offer opportunities to help us across various fields, including organising outside events, looking after our social media, general administration and to be in at the beginning of our planned educational programme, working closely with local schools. And of course, if you’ve always wanted to present a radio show, we can help you fulfil your ambitions!” Anthony says. “We’ll provide all the training you need on our studio system, and we can now even offer you the opportunity to pre-record shows from the comfort of your own home with the software package we provide. Of course, as an OFCOM regulated station, broadcasting locally on DAB in Norwich and much of South Norfolk, as well as being available for streaming through our own website on snradio.uk, on many web-based radio streaming services and through Smart Speakers, there are certain broadcasting rules that we have to follow, and we cover this important aspect as part of an initial induction and welcome to the station” Anthony says.

“We’re particularly keen to attract some additional female volunteer presenters” continues Anthony, “and there are opportunities for all ages too - our youngest show host started broadcasting when he was just seven, so he’s now well ‘over the hill’ at eleven!”

South Norfolk radio logo

Anthony says that the station is also keen to attract support by way of additional local advertisers. “There are no wasted printing costs with radio advertising and as well as offering some extremely attractively-priced opportunities for advertising and sponsorship, including across our website, we’ll provide a professionally produced audio advertisement for your product or business” explains Anthony. “Your local business is promoted to local listeners, and your support helps the volunteer-run station to stay on air, catering for the needs of local people.”

And radio advertising works too. The station recently ran a campaign for Field Archery club Broadland Bowmen who were looking for a new location for their activities. “The advertisement was heard on SNR and the club have now contacted us to say how grateful they are that it’s resulted in them being offered a suitable new location” Anthony explains. “So it’s a double win with local radio advertising, for your business and for ours.”

For further information on joining South Norfolk Radio as a volunteer or for information on advertising opportunities with the station, email aj@snradio.uk or check out the links on the website at www.snradio.uk. You’ll also find a full programme schedule there too.

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