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Nature to New Builds:

Neville Walks Again

Neville Cameron Published: 30 November 2022

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Lizard path

It's been a funny old month, with galloping pain in my right leg, ankle and foot, struggling with depression, even struggling with changing our old settee to make room for a new one. Anyway that’s all been documented in Love Wymondham on Facebook.

Now people are always passing their views about change and one of the biggest grumbles must be new building developments. I’m sort of on the fence with this one, I’m a retired plumber who earned a living working not only on older places but new builds and sites as well. Personally I adore architecture including new builds, but there are some, well fugly sights around caused in my opinion by a word called bonus, you know the one, “build it quicker and get paid more for your efforts”.

I’m not a big believer in this but it makes buildings go up quicker and cheaper.

Lizard viewing tower

At the moment, Right Up Lane in Wymondham has succumbed to the building machine and there’s lots of new builds popping up. It’s a classic really as it’s very beautiful around there not least because it leads onwards to The Lizard and other lovely spaces to explore. I’ve spent many hours walking around the area and believe me it’s gorgeous, if you know where to go.

Apart from its new builds there are lots of older buildings around there of great character which are well worth a look at but need searching out as I’ve done.

The biggest problem in my mind, and I believe it’s a modern problem, is the shortage of new schools, doctors, dentists. In short there’s no infrastructure to support the growing population. But that isn’t about housing so much as politics. A subject that’s a foreign language to me as it is to many others. I’ll moan, saying politics or whatever needs sorting out. But it’s a hard one to sort out especially for people like me!

New build houses

Anyway it’s a real pity losing all that greenery to concrete and pipes which I’ve made a living at putting in where we’re told to put them for a living.

Now the walk:

Parking was easy on The Lizard just past the car wash, under the bridge on the left and up the steps to Elan Close, following it around leftish towards Right Up Lane. Simply walk straight on past the few houses, past the building sites until you reach the top. On the left is a footpath through the woods leading to The Lizards greenery, straight over towards another gate and over the field with the viewing tower on the left. Continue on over the brick bridge crossing the river onwards towards an old railway bridge. Now I had to turn back from there as my pain threshold demanded I walked no further even with my stout aluminium walking stick. It’s a place of real magic where on the left there’s steps leading upwards towards the old railway line which leads left towards the entrance back near my starting point. I’m not sure if this route is safe now because it certainly wasn’t when I last used it!

New build site

Anyway it was an about-turn for me and turning right at the gate towards the viewing tower which is really worth a visit then follow the path back towards the Lizards main entrance, and back down The Lizard towards where I’d parked. Painful bones and bits but wow I really loved every step.

There’s some upgrading going on around there so it should be getting even more pleasurable if you can agree not to disagree about the massive new housing developments. Please enjoy the photographs, it was a real pleasure taking them.

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