Wymondham Magazine lettering

A Butterfly Future?

Nicola Maunders Published: 28 May 2023

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Last month, Greening Wymondham held a workshop entitled “A Butterfly Future?”, with UEA Philosophy Professors Rupert Read and Catherine Rowett (ex Green MEP) and Derryn Ellingham, facilitator. Interested Wymondham residents packed Abbey Hall, including representatives from the Catholic Church food bank, Wymondham Abbey, Wymondham Nature Group, Town Team, U3A, current and prospective Town Council councillors and many others. The idea was to engage people’s minds and imaginations in the truth of our climate predicament, and for each of us now to become the adults in the room. We are experiencing warmer surface air temperatures and droughts as well as flooding in our area, and this will worsen as we continue to exploit our planetary resources. Biodiversity loss increases. The health of our planet reduces and with it, our wellbeing. Imagine how we can transform our systems, so we thrive and live lightly on the Earth.

People wanted to talk about these issues:

This is what came up during ensuing discussions:

Wymondham has so much potential. We could appoint a green futures officer and create a community hub for groups and community enterprise. We can have a happy and sustainable future.

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