Wymondham Magazine lettering

From My Perspective:

A Fresh Approach

Cllr Michael Rosen Published: 01 September 2023

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What do people in Wymondham want from their Councillors? What does the town need to make it an even better place to live? How can we make this happen? These are the questions that you would expect me to be finding answers to as a newly elected Town and District Councillor for North Wymondham. And as the first Labour & Co-operative Party Councillor in many years you might expect me to have some fresh ideas. Here’s what I know so far.

The biggest issue for most people is still the cost of living. As Councillors we can’t do much about the rising prices but we can make sure that people are getting all the help they are entitled to, that we don’t put Council Tax up, and that our parks, leisure centres and public spaces are places you can enjoy without worrying about the cost. At District Council I have pushed for better support for people who are at risk of losing their homes. In Wymondham, Labour are supporting plans to bring life back to our neglected parks and make the town centre more attractive. We are also proposing more generous rules for the residents' fees at Wymondham Cemetery to make sure that people with a strong connection to the town are not denied access at a time of need. It's part of our vision for a Council that delivers good-value, inclusive services in a spirit of generosity that reflects the values of our town. Labour’s other priority is bringing transparency and accountability to how decisions are made. We are determined to help with the cost of living by making sure the Council spends your money well.

Also on our minds is climate change and the new challenges it brings at a time when no one has spare cash to spend. At Wymondham Town Council your Labour Councillors put forward a set of proposals for practical action to help the town adapt to the changing climate without extra costs for residents. These were voted down in favour of a proposal by the Green Party to declare a “Climate Emergency”. We know there’s a problem, what we need is solutions not empty words.

It's the same with new housing that comes without the schools, GPs, dentists, transport, and even local shops. We will be campaigning for better coordination of planning by our District and County Councils, NHS, and local businesses.

I’m only three months into this new role but loving the opportunities it brings. If you would like to share your ideas with me, or need support in dealing with an issue please do contact me. My email is michael.rosen@southnorfolkandbroadland.gov.uk.

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