Wymondham Magazine lettering

Tennis Club's Summer Events

Sue Lord Published: 02 September 2024

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Two doubles tennis players on one side of a tennis court
Photo credit: Malcolm Clark

Wymondham Tennis Club members enjoyed an American Doubles tournament in early June, with Mike Wonnacott & Archie Jones coming out victorious over Nick Rodda & Steve Wright in the final. During the afternoon, the club were pleased to welcome some past members, representatives of Norfolk LTA, Dave Roberts from Wymondham Town Council and Kim Carsok from South Norfolk Council to celebrate the official opening of the new clubhouse. The ribbon was cut by Claire Dixon who has been a club member for over 40 years. Everyone toasted the new building and enjoyed lots of cake.

In July, an Open Day offering free tennis tasters saw a record attendance of 83 people, including 50 juniors. The club has been pleased to welcome new members since then & have now topped the full 70 member target. There are plans for adult beginners & rusty racket courses to begin in September. Anyone wanting to sign up for these or find out more should contact the club at enquiries@wymondhamtennis.club Potential members are also welcome to come along for a taster at club social sessions on Mondays 10 -12noon, Tuesdays & Fridays 6-8pm.

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