Wymondham Magazine lettering

Don't Be Worried, Just Turn Up and Do!

Greening Wymondham

Jay Andrews Published: 01 April 2023

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Greening Wymondham

Very dry summers? Then too much rain? Hemsby losing cliff top homes?

Come along to a talk and workshop at the Abbey Hall on April 24th from 6pm to 8pm to listen to Rupert Read on transforming our future world. He’ll speak about what we can do to revitalise the planet locally and nationally. Throw him questions and ideas. And during the workshops, discuss what can be achieved by individuals and society. Let’s have a debate!

Before that date, consider the hedgehog. Wymondham seems to the hedgepig capital of Norfolk but they still need help. You can get advice on how to encourage them at the stall at Market Cross on Saturday April 15th.

Did any of you see Paul Whitehouse on BBC’s Troubled Rivers programme? Anyone near a river you play, paddle or swim in needs to watch it – including those of us who simply walk alongside it. Greening Wymondham is trying to work out how to test the safety of the Tiffey for children and any users. Which of course include our fish, eels, riverside birds and otters.

Browick Orchard

We are still working on greening Browick Park with a large number of native trees, wildflowers and bulbs at the community orchard. Follow us on Facebook to see information on what’s going on and the dates GW is there – so you can come and talk to us or even lend a hand. The town council have now appointed a consultancy team we hope will help develop it further in line with what the community wants.

Join us to influence the way Wymondham looks and thrives.

www.greeningwymondham.org email: greeningwymondham@gmail.com

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