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u3a Autumn Programme

Alan Browne Published: 03 July 2023

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Wymondham U3A collection of images
Photo credit: u3asites.org.uk

Wymondham u3a (formerly the University of the Third Age) is arranging a programme of day and short courses to be held during Autumn 2023 and Spring 2024.

Stand and Deliver - Highwaymen vs the Georgian judicial system. A day course on 15th September

Norfolk’s Industrial Past. A short course: 22nd September to 13th October .

An improvisation workshop. A day course on 24th November.

Ignorance is bliss, or is it? – a morning seminar on 15th January.

Giant Molecules - the stuff of life. A short course - 6 mornings in February and March.

Special Interest Day in March - the engineering problems and solutions of future energy generation. The day will comprise four 45 minute to 1 hour long talks followed by questions from the audience. Speakers will be drawn from leading innovators in delivering future energy needs for the UK and beyond.

People participating in any of these events will not have to be members of u3a. More details of all the above will be published in the coming weeks. Contact: Alan Browne (Chair, Wymondham u3a Life Long Learning Steering Group) 01953 600973.

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