Wymondham Magazine lettering

Wymondham in Bloom July 2022 update

Published: 01 July 2022

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Wymondham in bloom

For the last several weeks, the Wymondham in Bloom volunteers have been very hard at work trying to beautify the town for the summer season.

Early in June the team helped plant up the Railway Station together with Station Bistro owner Brendan Gray, and made a few improvements at the Old Sale Yard.

After the Jubilee weekend they spent nearly a whole day helping the Town Council Gardener plant up all the town centre planters. The new red, white and blue design includes a significant proportion of perennials which will last throughout the winter and beyond. After the initial planting day, several days of hot weather (and much encouragement by volunteer Diana Grant) drove volunteers and local businesspeople to help out with daily watering and ensure the plants would thrive.

In the meantime, the campaign for business floral displays has also been running in earnest. The step counters for volunteers Janet Benjafield and Paula Gorst have been ticking up rapidly with personal visits to shops up and down the high street and some further afield around town. More than sixty businesses have agreed to be involved in some way.

On 29th June, around fifty of the businesses were judged by a panel from the Wymondham Garden Club. They scored points based on plant care, creativity, longevity and overall impact. The total scores will determine the award levels achieved by each business, and certificates will be granted for displays which are Outstanding, Excellent, Highly Commended and Commended.

Coming up on Friday, 8th July the town as a whole will be judged for the regional Anglia in Bloom competition. This is part of the renowned RHS Britain in Bloom campaign. If we were to achieve a Gold award, we would have a chance at competing at the national level. Committee members Annette James and Kim Carsok have spent countless hours working on the 30+ page project portfolio which has been submitted to the Anglia in Bloom judges. Fingers crossed they are impressed!

To help prepare the town for judging day, a Tidy Up Wymondham session has been arranged for Wednesday, 6th July. We will meet at 10am on the Market Cross to assign volunteers to various tasks including planting and pruning as well as litter picking and other similar jobs. Please come along and help if you can, and bring gloves and your own tools where possible.

Following the Anglia in Bloom judging day, the volunteers will be judging our residents’ competitions. First up is the Home Frontage Competition where photos of your domestic hanging baskets, window boxes and front gardens will be judged. We hope you will have felt inspired by the wonderful high street business displays and want to get involved too. Photos should be sent to wymbloom@gmail.com by 15th July. The top prize will be a £50 voucher to Wymondham Garden Centre so don’t miss out!

Next up is the Sunflower Growing Competition organised by committee member Annette James, in loving memory of her dad Owen James. You have until Friday 16th September 2022 to submit a photo of your sunflower(s), together with the relevant measurement. See full details of all our competitions on the Town Team website here: wymondhamtownteam.org/wym-in-bloom-2022

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