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When Jack Met Susan

Jack Sampson Published: 01 February 2024

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Lady wearing glasses and blue scarf smiling

Wymondham is always growing. Gone are the days of a small market town basking in its minimalism. What we have now is a community. A fast-paced and ever-changing part of Norfolk embracing new wants, needs and necessities.

Due to these dynamic changes, you would assume nothing but also be unsurprised by incredible local achievements.

This is how I felt when I discovered Wymondham’s brand new global selling author Susan Bennett.

Whilst attending a course at Ayton House meeting rooms in Wymondham on Ayton road, I had the pleasure of being greeted by Susan and treated throughout my day by her exemplary customer service skills and warming nature.

After some discussion with her about certain topics during lunch service, we turned to our interests, which is where I learnt so much about her. Susan is a very humble and polite individual who expels a calming aura and welcoming presence. Susan was more than happy to divulge where her journey has led her and share her accomplishments.

Originating from London, Susan moved to Norfolk at a young age and has spent most of her career teaching. In the early 2000’s, Susan started to co-run the motorcycle clothing centre and eventually ran Ayton House meeting rooms with both businesses being here in Wymondham.

It was always Susan’s dream to become an author. Writing as a hobby throughout her career, absorbing almost every aspect of the criminal justice system to eventually produce an exceptional piece of prose currently being purchased and enjoyed the world over.

Book cover hunt for the shepherd by Susan Bennett

“It truly is a dream come true” states Susan, claiming that “none of this would have happened without true dedication and the support of everybody around me.”

Hunt for the Shepherd is an intense, captivating and unfathomably gripping thriller primed and ready to keep every reader on the edge of their seat. Following the trials and tribulations of a motley crew of detectives, Hunt for the Shepherd combines a plethora of authenticity from the UK criminal justice system and idiosyncratic scenarios to build the perfect murder mystery for any fan.

Susan states that “I wanted to change the status quo in regards to thrilling murder mystery novels. I want the reader to be on edge, I want them to wonder who the murderer is whilst considering why they’re even doing it.”

After reading this novel, I can confirm that Susan meets the criteria and high standards she has set for herself. I was certainly gripped; speaking to any one and everyone for their opinions and theories. I couldn’t recommend this novel more highly for any avid reader. For a debut book, Hunt for the Shepherd being this professional in its writing and its ability to compete with the big leagues of thrillers already is absolutely astounding. I cannot wait for Susan’s next release.

In the end however, what truly made this novel a delight to read was knowing that somebody so passionate, talented and eager to tackle the challenges of this world was residing here, in our beautiful town of Wymondham. She’s one of us, so please support her as much as you can.

Hunt for the Shepherd is now available to purchase on Amazon. Kindle, paperback and hardback versions are all available.

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